it's christmas soon keito ... so what, eichi?


more characters coming soon!

  • Eichi Tenshouin

    A headshot photo of Eichi Tenshouin with a white background.

    From Ensemble Stars, Eichi was my first 5 star and favourite in the game. I'll never actually be able to comprehend how ethereal he is in beauty, even though he's just a 2D png.

  • Madara Mikejima

    A headshot photo of Madara Mikejima with a white background.

    From Ensemble Stars, Madara was my second favourite and five star. At first, I didn't rlly care abt him but, when I got more invested in enstars lore, I had the BIGGEST crush on him for months.

  • Tsukasa Suou

    A headshot photo of Tsukasa Suou with a white background.

    From Ensemble Stars, I painfully grinded for his 'Rookie Skater' card and got him at school. He's a cutie pie, and his english is funny. (affectionate)

  • Dazai Osamu

    A polaroid photo of Dazai Osamu taking his mug shot while holding a name card that says: owo.

    From Bungou Stray Dogs, he's so complex that I actively stay up for him. He makes me feel so vulnerable and I LOVE him. He HAS to be my longest fixiation AND fictional crush. Reigen might beat him, though.

  • Reigen Arataka a heart floating around

    A gif of Reigen Arataka with his jaw dropped in surprise. He pushes his jaw up and tilts his head to the side with a nervous smile.

    From Mob Psycho 100, he's my current fixiation and biggest crush. He's charmingly pathetic and I want him as my WIFE. He gets a gif as a his icon because I couldn't find any photo with a plain, white bg of him looking pretty. What a man.

  • Len Kagamine

    A headshot photo of Len Kagamine with a white background. He is offering a glass of chocolate milk to the viewer.

    From Vocaloid, he's my most FAVOURITE Vocaloid. Absolutely adore him, and I LOVE when the community tunes him to growl or hit high notes. I think he has the biggest potential to be such a strong voice. Maybe i'll get into tuning vocaloids someday, who knows! lol

  • Inumaki Toge

    A headshot photo of Inumaki Toge with a white background.

    From Jujutsu Kaisen, not exactly a big fixiation now, but, he's so silly and cute, and I adore how his character is written. I think he has a very awesome potential to use ASL, and i WILL fight people over the fact that he WILL be selectively mute in a non-jujutsu AU and that it ruins his entire character if he would just speak (but u do u guys thats just me)

  • Megumi Fushiguro

    A headshot photo of Inumaki Toge with a white background.

    From Jujutsu Kaisen, i think he's funny. I didn't actually expect to like his character, but he kinda grew on me. I'm still getting familiar with his personality, but he's definitely very cute to me.

a fluffy, digital cat with the text: someone left me in the dryer!